Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Time flies; It feels just yesterday

it's been a month Tok left me...it feels like just yesterday Tok heated the water just to make sure i got myself bathe before i went to kindergraden as i don't like cold water.....it feels just yesterday Tok walked about 1 km to my kindergarden in order to pick me up because the pak cik's (the pick up man) car broken down again...it feels just yesterday Tok told me a story how i was born ..how red i looked because of mosquitos bite...how chinese looked  i got..how she might think i was switched with chinese daughter.....it feels just yesterday Tok build up the mosquito net (kelambu) for us to sleep soundly...it feels just yesterday Tok was next to me sleeping soundly..it feels just yesterday she answered all my question about our ancestors...it feels just yesterday she asked me to hug her....now, i could not hug her , could no longer hear her stories... I'm sorry that i'm  still saddened by the part she left me and i would still shed some tears whenever Tok comes into my mind or my dream...It's not that i'm not accepting the fate..it's just that the way i'm dealing with my emotion..sob2x..i'm still crying throughout this writing.....Al-Fatihah for Temah Binti Abdullah...

Get yourself together...dush..ok ...oh yes time flies again..yes i've been 'tunangan orang' for almost 3 months (2 months plus actually).lol...yes we fought about theme colors..we fought bout that and that...and entah lalat manA sibok 'you should do this color and this color' and  the color you've chosen akan menenggelamkan you..did i ask for your opinion??? der..hello lalat i did my research OK.....x pasal2 i feel like changing words with my fiance......and what this 'lalats' suggested even worse....that's y i blog about chocolate or vanilla flavor....for god sake it's MY D*** WEDDING..and shouldn't the bride get what she wants..shuh you lalat...tell me wether you like this color

 cantik kan...royale purple...exclusive elegant..this is what i want..it's ok ..color can wait..

oh  yes i'm starting to book the venue for dot dot dot..searching. done...some credit to http://ashannweddinggallery.blogspot.com/2009/12/oh-jb-reception-halls.html.....she list down almost all  places JB has to hold wedding ...which make my life so easier..thanks a lot ann.. JB- i find difficulties in finding nice places..i nak wat kat KL..for god sake...my heart crying out loud for Kuala Lumpur..I'M KLian.....being forced for other's sake i had to do in JB(not very sincere)..

7 Reasons y i want to hold my wedding reception in KL:

1) lots of nice places come to my mind
2) freaking cheap caterers
3) my friends all over place ley datang dari utara ke selatan...cause KL in the middle ma..
4) my relatives (sanak sedara from kuala lipis which is KL juga)..lol ley datang juga..senang turun,,
5) don't want to think about the accommodation for the relatives..
6) freaking cheap wedding package from mak andam..where could u get?... in KL only.because they've got competitors...JB over price-not too may competitors ..dat's y they charged melebey2..
7) i have a head ache..when my choice of venue  is booked on my hot date which means day/month/year.iyay...berdenyut2.....that's y i'm writing all of these down( possibly i might have written things without thinking) ...
 pictures taken from wikipedia

7 Reasons to hold wedding in JB
1) My fiance org johor juga..so make him easy..easy and easy..
2) Ika which is my besties..cakap xmau dtg if i hold in KL due to her master activites..eleh..bf sanggup pulak dtg kl..
3) my hometown JB-i always love JB..best place to live..most of my growing time were there ..lol
4)ada kak long-my cousin aka planner  yg bagus
5) i  nak tunjuk i orang johor juga..lol
6) most of my JB friends will come I.Allah tapi how about TKCian, UKMian friends and GNC colleague...
7) makanan sedap2 walaupun mhl..berbaloi2..

vote for your choice..lallalala..if xboley psot comment here...you are welcome to post it to my FB account..
should i hold another reception for close friends???..for sure some of my friends yg jauh2 x reti balik2 tuh x dpt dtg..aaaa sedey..if de durian runtuh mungkin boley..no prob..lol ..
esok tempah2 dewan..mmm
yay..daaaa dii dii


  1. amoi-org kg tanjung gemok x ada dalam senarai pun?

  2. bummy!! i adore your color coz thats my fav color too!!! haha

  3. yuyun..i tot2..u like pink and apple green?...hehehhe thanx yuyun...

    mumun-kamu tidak membantu saya..lallala..mana gambar olyn kahwin??nak tgk!
